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VCT means Voluntary Counseling and Testing for the HIV/AIDS virus.

This is the fulcrum of the Thandizani work in the community. Community members are encouraged to take an HIV test for the purpose of preventing HIV. Community members receive counseling and education in HIV/AIDS. The team from the central Lundazi office travels to the community to support the club members in providing AIDS education to the community members. This education and counseling encourages community members to volunteer to take an HIV test.


Knowing your HIV status also acts as a prerequisite for membership in the community group. Thandizani offers static VCT services at the drop-in centre and mobile VCT services at community level.

Achievements in 2006 are:

  • Voluntary testing of 1200 people
  • Trained 20 community leaders in prevention care and support
  • Visited 18 communities and conducted sensitization meetings
  • Conducted mobile testing at 15 community venues
  • 24 community counselors trained in basic psycho social counseling
  • 21,000 condoms distributed to both new and old clients within communities
  • 300 leaflets and 100 posters on VCT and behaviour change messages were distributed
  • Thandizani Community Based HIV/AIDS Prevention & Care, Lundazi - Zambia

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