Currently Thandizani is collaborating with the following partners:
Sub-granting Global Funds to NGOs/CBOs and private sector as a lead agency in Eastern Province on behalf of ZNAN (Zambian National Aids Network).
Implementing agency in Eastern Province for Food Aid and Security Project for people on ARV/ART in collaboration with VSO and the European Union
Implementation of relief food distribution programme under the disaster Management and Mitigation Unit of Office of the Vice President (2001-2005).
A 3-year OVC Child & Support Programme supported by KinderNotHilfe for sustainable Income Generation and Psycho Social Care for OVCs.
Lead agency in the implementation of the Food Security Pac Programme implemented by PAM in the province (2001-2005).
VSO is giving Thandizani technical support through 4 volunteers working with Thandizani for a 2 year period to build capacity and strengthen the Thandizani Organization.
Thandizani, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, is conducting PMTCT and VCT programmes. Thandizani conducts sensitization and collection of blood samples from the Community and takes the blood samples for HIV testing at the District Health Hospital.
With support from The Royal Netherlands Embassy, Thandizani is constructing a larger VCT centre to be able to scale-up the VCT Services.
Unicef has given Thandizani a grant to open a Youth Computer Skill Training Centre & Internet Cafe, called Nzelu giving Software training to Lundazi Secondary School pupils and offering commercial training and Internet facilities.
The Computer Software Training is sponsored by Intermax. Intermax has also visited Lundazi to give technical support and trained 2 Nzelu staff and 2 Thandizani staff.
Thandizani is starting a partnership with SIMAVI to scale up their mobile and static VCT service and offer ART/ARV services as of October 2007 for 2 years.
Collaborating partnerships in former projects:
Thandizani has coordinated and has provided technical support to NGOs/CBOs and FBOs (in Lundazi district) who received funding from Alliance.
Thandizani conducted several Youth programs and Africare and ZNAN (Partner organization) have provided recreation facilities. At a district level Thandizani worked with several organizations (CCAP, Roman Catholic, and Ministry of Agriculture) and we have spearheaded the distribution of farm inputs and relief food.
Partnership is a central aspect of the Government of Zambia’s health sector reform strategy; few examples of such partnerships exist at the district or community level. Thandizani is one of the few success stories. In the past year, we have implemented an innovative program that effectively ensures the availability of community identified HIV/AIDS prevention and support services. In this respect, Thandizani and the community-level care networks (community health committees, community based organizations representatives and government representatives) are important incubators for innovation, for the benefit of other programs in Lunda, Zambia and the Southern Africa region.
Thandizani closely collaborates with:
District Health Management Team (DHMT) - Laboratory HIV testing is also done at the district hospital with the help of laboratory technicians. The District hospital has been instrumental in providing supplies such as condoms, syringes and needles for Voluntary Counseling and Testing.
Ministry of Agriculture - technical extension services in the food security program for the PLWHA and vulnerable were provided by the agriculture extension officers.
Ministry of Community Development and Social Services - Formation of nutritional community groups and facilitation of food preparation demonstration.
District AIDS Task Force (DATF) - Thandizani is a member of the Task Force representing the Non Governmental Organizations
Ministry Of Education (MOE) - Thandizani has been able to work with the school Anti AIDS clubs within its area of operations. The Ministry, with the help of Thandizani provides training teachers as matrons and patrons of the activities.
Community leaders (headmen & chiefs) - The traditional leaders have been instrumental in the socialization for all health and development programs in Thandizani’s operational areas (in six chiefdoms of the plateau). Chiefs and headmen made significant contributions to the implementation of community projects and programs.
ZganganiKachinga Youth Skill Training Centre - The centre trains youths in vocational skills and helps young people to be productive and responsible citizens in the community. Thandizani refers youths to ZganganiKachinga for training in vocational skills.
Victim Support Unit (VSU) - Thandizani works with the Victim Support Unit under the POLICE Service. Victims of sex abuse and all forms of violence are referred to the VSU for a Police report which is a requirement for medical examinations at the hospital. The Victim Support Unit also refers clients/victims to Thandizani for psycho social Counseling.
Ministry of Agriculture
Youth, Sport and Child Development
NGOs/FBOs/CBOs in the district
Church leaders
Rural Health Centres
National Aids Alliance
Thandizani Community Based HIV/AIDS Prevention & Care, Lundazi - Zambia