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The project began in September 1999 as a result of an increasing number of clients testing positive to HIV through  the Voluntary HIV Testing and Counseling

The communities realized there was an urgent need to respond to thr increasing numbers of people testing positive but they were lacking the knowledge and strength to respond on the HIV/AIDS epidemic. To overcome this, they started working together and forming Community Care Groups. The Community Care Groups become a member of Thandizani. Thandizani operates on a community franchise model. Thandizani started in 1999 with 15 CCGs. The membership is based on undergoing an HIV test and paying a nominal fee to the support group and Thandizani central.

The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) have for the past two decades continued to spread across all continents killing millions of adults in their prime, disrupting and depriving families, turning millions of children into orphans, weakening the workforce and threatening the social and economic fabric of communities.

Sub-Saharan Africa is one of the most affected regions and some 30 million people are living with HIV/AIDS. Zambia is not an exception and the HIV/AIDS prevalence rate in Zambia is as high as 16%. Urban areas have a higher HIV/AIDS prevalence rate than rural areas and the HIV pandemic has left an estimated 600,000 orphans (2000), projected to reach 974,000 in 2014 (CSO figures).

It is said that there is not one single family left in Zambia that has not been affected by HIV/AIDS. Every family will have lost a relative or will have a relative suffering from HIV/AIDS related diseases.

The Eastern province has an HIV/AIDS prevalence rate of 13.2%. Lundazi District has an HIV/AIDS prevalence rate of 18.1% . Infection rates in rural areas are lower than urban. Lundazi is a border town (10 kms from the Malawi border) making it a busy trading centre with a lot of people visiting.

Thandizani Community Based HIV/AIDS Prevention & Care, Lundazi - Zambia


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